Academic Writing and Conversational English in an Academic Environment
Das Büro International Cooperation in Education – ice des DIPF wird vom 19. bis 21. Februar 2019 zwei English Training Workshops zum Schreiben und Kommunizieren in englischer Sprache durchführen. Das Angebot richtet sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftler/-innen der Erziehungswissenschaft.
Workshop I: English for Academic Purposes
Date: 19. February 2019
Time: 10:00h - 18:00h
The aim of this workshop is to improve spoken English in an academic context. This one day course, among other things, highlights some of the key skills and phrases for presentations as well as English needed when networking at conferences, contributing in informal meetings and sending emails.
Themes and Overview
- Introductions, agenda and most important questions.
- Understanding the role of culture on your communication style/Anticipate typical conversation topics and areas of small talk and prepare with relevant vocabulary
- Explain your work to experts and non-experts with your elevator pitch
- Presenting in English - key points and practice in small groups
- Asking and answering questions: asking for clarification, interrupting, getting your point across. Asking for and giving opinions
- Emailing in English
- Using the phone
- Review and Close
Workshop II: Academic Writing
Date: 20. - 21. February 2019
Time: 9:30h - 17:30h
This workshop is for researchers who wish to publish in English. The aim is to improve the style and structure of participants’ English academic papers. Participants are encouraged to bring along some of their own writing that will be the basis for peer review on day two of the course. Following the course, participants should send an abstract or other text to the instructor (by email) for individual feedback and coaching. The goal is that all participants have a well written abstract and/or introduction to a paper.
Themes and Overview
- The writing process
- Classic mistakes made in written academic English
- English punctuation
- The structure of an English paper, paragraph and sentence
- Differences between papers in German and those in English
- Specific vocabulary used in academic English
- Internet tools
- Writing abstracts and Titles
- Journal analysis and what reviewers are looking for in a paper
- Reviewing one’s own work
- Learning from native speaker papers
- Introducing story telling into your paper
Teilnehmende können sich zu einem oder auch beiden Workshops anmelden. Bitte melden Sie sich hier an!
Die Anmeldung ist geschlossen.
Die Workshops finden am DIPF Frankfurt statt:
Rostocker Straße 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Raum: Erich Hylla I
In den Veranstaltungskosten sind alle Materialien sowie das Catering während des Unterrichts enthalten.
Die Kosten betragen:
Workshop I: 75 Euro
Workshop II: 150 Euro
Workshop I und II: 200 Euro
Teilnehmende, die sich für beide Workshops anmelden, zahlen einen reduzierten Beitrag!
Am Abend des 20.02.2019 besteht die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam die Ausstellung "Tizian und die Renaissance in Venedig" im Städel Museum zu besuchen. Bei Interesse melden Sie sich bitte über das Onlineformular an.
Ausführliche Informationen über die Ausstellung finden Sie hier.
Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Ellen McKenney: bWNrZW5uZXlAZGlwZi5kZQ==, Tel.: 069.24708-372