Teacher education in Tanzania

Jul 13, 2017
“ROBONO Schulpartnerschaften für Eine Welt e. V.“ is a charity that systematically supports partnerships between schools in Germany and Africa.

The charity aims to thereby improve instruction at schools in Africa, while fostering social values and global learning at schools in Germany and at partner schools in Africa.
PROBONO was founded in early 2004 – meanwhile, the charity supports and advises 30 school partnerships. The organisation has initiated, supported and advised more than 200 projects for education and dialogue.

Project description

In 2014, a trial project was run to find out in how far the further training concept developed by the US-American educational scientist Frances Vavrus is adaptable to schools in Tanzania. The project was scientifically monitored by ice, to find out whether the concept meets the needs of schools that are supported by Pro Bono - and in how far it is necessary to provide complementary subject-didactic workshops and teacher coaching on the ground.
Methodologically, the study presents an accompanying evaluation, which on the one hand was based on workshops at DIPF with sometimes external expertise. On the other hand, an ice expert visited the north of Tanzania for a fortnight, to participate in a week of teacher training and subject-didactic workshops in mathematics and English as well as visiting schools and lessons. Further training material, exam tasks, the documentation of lessons and teacher interviews were analysed.

The workshops in Germany, the visit to Tanzania and the final report mark the milestones of the project.

Project Funding


Project Cooperation

Pro Bono - Schulpartnerschaften für Eine Welt e.V.


Jornitz, Sieglinde (2016): Between stimulating and overwhelming: reflections on the usage of videos for teacher training in Tanzania. In: Studia Edukacyjne, Heft 38, S. 347-363.

Jornitz, Sieglinde (2015): Kolonialisierung in postkolonialen Zeiten: Zu aktuellen Entwicklungen im Schulsystem Tansanias. In: Pädagogische Korrespondenz, Heft 51 , S. 69-89.

Project Data