Network Meeting

Based on the activities at the AERA annual meeting, a network meeting with education researchers from Germany, Canada, and the United States was organized at DIPF in Frankfurt in June 2019.

Following the annual AERA meetings, a network meeting with education researchers from Germany, Canada and the USA was organized at the DIPF in Frankfurt in June 2019. The participants discussed current research findings and relevant projects in the field of "Education for Refugees" with the aim to promote exchange on the challenges of public education systems in the receiving and host countries Germany and the USA. National specifics as well as overarching internationale similarities in dealing with diversifying educational systems due to migration movements were elaborated.

Further meetings were planned for the years 2020 – 2022 but had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

For more information about the network meeting please click following link: A 2-day network meeting on "Education for Refugees"