AERA 2014 – The Power of Education Research for Innovation in Practice and Policy

Mar 01, 2016
German and US-American educational researchers in dialogue: DIPF booth at the conference in Philadelphia served as a platform for cooperation and information.

The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) offered German and US-American educational researchers an opportunity to deepen their professional exchange at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia (AERA, 4th  to 6th  April 2014). At its booth, the DIPF service unit International Cooperation in Education (ice) invited research groups from Germany to present their projects. US-American colleagues could thus learn about their work and explore approaches to co-operation with the German researchers. The teams from Germany spanned a broad scope of educational research ranging from early childhood to vocational education and training. Amongst others, they were based at Universities and research institutions in Kiel, Tübingen, Mainz and Bielefeld.

On April 5th ice and the German Center for Research and Innovation (GCRI) hosted an event at the Hilton Garden Inn in Philadelphia. At the venue, a topic that was relevant in both countries was presented: Professor Dr. Kristina Reiss (TU Munich) and Professor Dr. Marilyn Strutchens (Auburn University, Alabama) talked about national education standards for mathematics. Common frames of reference were revealed while the experts also highlighted national specificities. In the course of the following reception, participants had the opportunity to get to know each other while sharing their views and information on the presented and other topics.