Roundtables auf den AERA Jahrestagungen
Seit 2013 beteiligt sich die Servicestelle ice mit eigenen Veranstaltungen auf der Jahrestagung der AERA. Seit 2017 bietet ice Expert*innen aus der Bildungsforschung und Bildungspraxis die Möglichkeit an, aktuelle Forschungen aus dem Feld „Education for Refugees“ während thematischer Roundtables vorzustellen und diese gemeinsam zu diskutieren.
AERA 2017: „Migrants and refugees in educational systems and educational research“
Chair: Deborah Palmer, Rebecca Callahan
- ReGES–Refugees in the German Educational System: Introducing a new panel study on refugees in Germany
Hans-Günther Roßbach, Jutta von Maurice, Gisela Will, Christoph Homuth - Refugee Studies in Canada and Germany: What we do (not) know?
Howard Ramos, Débora B. Maehler, Paul Pritchard, Steffen Pötzschke - Identifying vocational competencies (MySkills: Berufliche Kompetenzen erkennen, BKE)
Heiko Rölke, Ulf Kröhne - Pathways to belonging: Educational aspirations in Kakuma Refugee Camp
Michelle J. Bellino - Child Refugees and their Transition into German early childhood education and care systems
Stefanie Greubel - Reading and writing of students with German-Turkish and German-Russian language background
Ingrid Gogolin, Julia Heimler - Similarities and dissimilarities of civic engagement for refugees across continents
Elke Winter, Verena Schmid - Turkish Parents' Perspective on Teachers' Role in the Integration of Their Children in France and Germany
Fikriye Kurban - Somali Refugees and Education in the US
Wangari Gichiru
AERA 2018: „Migration, Refugees, and Public Education: Challenges and Opportunities“
Chair: Lisa Damaschke-Deitrick, Alexander W. Wiseman
- The Integration of Refugee Children and Youth: A Systematic Review of German- and English-Language Literature
Débora B. Maehler - The German Longitudinal Refugee Study “Refugees in the German Educational System (ReGES)” – Progress Report
Jutta von Maurice - Exploring Opportunities for the Establishment of a Cross- National Comparative Cohort Study of Mental Health and Educational Outcomes among Migrant Children and Youth
Kathy Georgiades - Impact of Teacher Preparation and Professional Development on Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Student Outcomes in OECD Countries
Alexander W. Wiseman, Ericka Galegher - Interdisciplinary Centre for Integration and Migration Research (InZentIM)
Herman-Josef Abs - Language Practices in Multilingual Families
Ingrid Gogolin, Julia Heimler - Peer Building Processes in ECEC Systems. Challenges and Opportunities for Refugee Children
Stefanie Greubel - Education for Refugees as Solution for Integration: Between International Scripts and National Adaptations
Lisa Damaschke-Deitrick, Elizabeth Bruce - Female Refugee Transitions into Higher Education
Maureen Park, Ericka Galegher - MySkills – Identifying Professional Competencies
Handout by Britta Upsing
AERA 2019: „Migration, refugees, and public education: Challenges and opportunities, language and literacy approach“
Chair: Lisa Damaschke-Deitrick
- The educational response to Syrian displacement: A professionalizing field in a politicized environment
Elizabeth Buckner and Mozynah Nofal - Claims-making in the context of the “refugee crisis” – a German-Canadian comparison at a local scale
Verena Schmid, Elke Winter and Anke Patzelt - Dead end schools? Refugee teenagers and school segregation in Germany
Simon Morris-Lange - Emergency education in protracted displacement: Pitfalls, contradictions and opportunities for shifting the lens
Maha Shuayb and Cathrine Brun - Studies on the acculturation of young refugees in the educational domain: Methodological gaps
Steffen Pötzschke, Débora B. Maehler, Howard Ramos and Paul Pritchard
AERA 2020 "Education for Refugees"
Chair: Alexander Wiseman and Lisa Damaschke-Deitrick
Für das Jahr 2020 waren ursprünglich zwei Roundtables zum Thema „Edcuation for Refugees“ geplant. Aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie musste die AERA Jahrestagung jedoch ausfallen. Das DIPF plante ursprünglich nordamerikanischen, deutschen und internationalen Forschenden mit einer internationalen Sitzung einen Raum zu geben, um ihre Forschung zu diskutieren und transatlantische Kooperationen einzugehen. Expert*innen sollten internationale Perspektiven zu digitalen Strategien und digitalen Transformationen in der Bildung sowie zu aktuellen Fragen der Bildungsforschung austauschen.
Folgende Roundtables waren geplant:
„Defining Refugees and Refugee Education“ Chair: Alexander W. Wiseman |
- Moving beyond methodological nationalism to develop a transnational perspective on the educational pathways of displaced and dispossessed migrant youth
William Perez - Refugee youths’ educational and social participation: An ethnographic inquiry
Dilek Kayaalp - Pensando en Rosa y los Otros Alumnos Transnacionales de Varios Perfiles que Encontrábamos en Mexico (Thinking About Rosa and Various Other Transnational Students We Have Encountered in Mexico)
Edmund T. Hamann - New American Refugees: A case study of how a community of Nepali-speaking Bhutanese familiesexperience school and educational policy in the Northeast
Cynthia Reyes, Hemant Ghising and Shana J. Haines - Temporalities of Refugee Identity and Education
Amberley Middleton - Gender differences in vocational interests: A comparison between native born, migrant and refugee adolescents
Florian G. Hartmann and Jutta von Maurice, Dominik Weigand
„Training Teachers to Educate Refugee and Humanitarian Migrant Youth“ Chair: Lisa Damaschke-Deitrick |
- Exemplary Practices of New Zealand Teachers Preparing Refugee Youth for Resettlement: The First SixWeeks
Jody McBrien - Teachers coping with cultural diversity: Case studies on assessment practices, challenges and experiences in Austrian secondary schools
Herbert Altrichter, Katharina Soukup-Altrichter, Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger and Magdalena Fellner - Change of curricula, teacher educators and support measures – how initial teacher education in Europe shouldbe able to cope with (humanitarian) migrant students
Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger - Training Teachers to Educate Refugee and Humanitarian Migrant Youth
Jihae Cha and Min Choi - Isolating or Inclusive? Educating refugee youth in the United States
Jill Koyama - Educating Newcomer Immigrant & Refugee Youth in U.S. Schools
Monisha Bajaj - Radical Acceptance: A framework for preparing teachers to support students with refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds
Maura Sellers